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Five Customer Service Statistics that can help you track how your business is doing

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Customers are the most important aspect of any business. It is vital to build trust with your customers by ensuring they are satisfied with their experiences. There are many customer services statistics that can help you monitor how your business is doing, and track progress over time.

Customer satisfaction scores: CSAT is an excellent metric to monitor customer satisfaction with your services. This metric can be used to compare your competitors and provides an instant indicator of customer satisfaction with your service. A high score can indicate that customers are satisfied and engaged. However, a low score could indicate poor product quality, poor customer services, or poor marketing strategies.

Net Promoter Score: This is a customer service indicator that shows how likely your customers will recommend your products or services. It is a great way to find out how customers feel about you and to determine whether your products or services need to be improved.

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FRT: Customer satisfaction is measured by the speed at which you respond to customer inquiries. This reflects the speed at which your support team responds to customer queries. It should be closely monitored for signs of lag. It is important you watch out for "hockey sticks" growth. This means that it increases gradually, then decreases over time.

Handle time: Another metric that measures how long it takes for a customer to respond to a request is the handling time. It's an important metric for evaluating how your team handles incoming requests, as this can indicate opportunities for improvements in processes or training to improve speed. Segmenting the conversation topic is important as some topics may take more time to resolve than others. You may notice that conversations about your account page take longer than others. This could be an indicator that your documentation needs to be updated or product changes are needed.

Average ticket count: This is an important metric for measuring how effective your Customer Service is at addressing customer requests. It is a good idea calculate this number on either a daily, weekly or monthly basis in order to spot trends that could impact your overall service experience.

Customer effort scores cards: These are great tools to see how hard customers try and resolve problems with your company. They can be used to assess the customer's effort in solving their problem. In fact, 96% of customers who are highly motivated to continue using your product/services will do so.

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Top-performing customers: This metric helps you identify the most skilled customer service representatives in your company, and to reward them for their exceptional efforts. It can also serve as a useful metric to monitor the performance of individual agents and identify those who may need coaching or additional training.

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Five Customer Service Statistics that can help you track how your business is doing